Ellis Emeralds of Zora Ellis Jr. High School

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


GREAT job Ladies!

I am proud of the job you did today at the pep-rally and game. Great work! The recovery that you had at the pep-rally will become one of those 'remember when' moments later down the road. It was not near as bad as you guys thought it was. Every group I have ever had has had a CD skip one time or another. However, I must say that to see a group of 14 7th and 8th graders hold their composer in front of the entire student body and recover... WOW! I was impressed!

You made up for it at the game anyway. Great performance... just great. Many people throughout the game commented on what a great job you did. Congrats!

Thanks to Lacey for all of her hard work and also to the other members of the Dega Darlins and Dega Addition that have helped and supported the Ellis Emeralds non-stop!

I will post a few pictures soon.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Ellis Emeralds will have practice on Thursday, September 24, 2009 at THS from 5-6:30.

We will also have practice on Monday, September 28, 2009 at ZEJH from 5-6:30.

Both of these are the in preparation for the Homecoming Pep-rally and game.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

2009/2010 Ellis Emeralds...are....

Congratulations to all of the young ladies that auditioned for the 2009/2010 Ellis Emeralds. What a great audition year. A special congratulations to those that won a spot on the line....
(in no particular order)

Amber Robinson
Alex Horn
Anna Whitworth
Cate Joseph Rasco
Grace Byrd
Gabby Easterwood
Andrea Adams
Destiny Lawler
Lindsey Isbell
Chicaree Barclay
Jessica McKenzie
Kayla Mellon
Ashleigh Farmer
Savannah Stillwell

If you did not win a spot on the 2009/2010 line we invite you to audition next year for the 2010/2011 Ellis Emeralds. If you are an 8th grader you may be interested in auditioning for the Dega Darlins Addition in the Spring for the 2010/2011 year (auditions will be announced at a later time, but are typically in April. Keep up the hard work and continue to work on the info from clinic. I am very proud of EVERYONE for thier hardwork and dedication!

It is going to be a GREAT year!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Good Luck

Ladies I would like to wish each of you luck as you audition tomorrow for the Ellis Emeralds. You have had an OUTSTANDING clinic week and Iwish you all the best.

Remember to wear white shirt, red shorts and white shoes.

Pull your hair back and don't forget your smile.

Also, don't forget your FLAG!

You may arrive any time after 9:00a.m. as long as it is before 10am. Some of you have expressed the need to practice and get ready at the school beforehand. That will be fine.

See you Tomorrow!